
Emptiness means "ZERO" which is very simple yet difficult to experience because it indicates a different logic in how our system works and how one should "think." It offers a completely different perspective from what we typically experience in our lives. It's not something entirely distinct, but rather an alternative way to perceive things. Emptiness signifies complete absence — no space, no scale, no time, no duality—all within a singular state. All the "physical things" in our world are merely the visual representation of a "name" and "tags" of "information."


A novice meditator attempts to still the river-like thoughts in their mind, while a true master of meditation stands by the river, observing the flowing water, their heart unmoved, unattached, and… more
While young people may work hard to learn various skills, success is not guaranteed. However, investing time in improving one's mindset can lead to more friends, better relationships, increased… more
We live in a fully intelligent virtual world, where everything is intelligently interconnected. When you tattoo a flower on your body, information about the flower merges with you. Similarly, when… more
Our hearts are free from greed, resentment, and delusion. They are not attached to anything. We let our hearts rest naturally in their original state, which is pure, bright, empty, and void of… more
In China, there is a saying, ‘One thought is heaven, another thought is hell.’ In our space, nothing is fixed. Anything can change in an instant. Zero is the essence of everything that never changes… more
Everyone experiences some degree of depression, which can be completely alleviated and even eliminated through meditation and adjusting the information in the brain. The key is to understand that… more
"Clean" means the absence of negative information — completely pure or positive, free from dirt, foreign elements, confrontation, and harm. It implies being unobstructed and completely clear in 360… more
We are easily influenced by the emotions of those around us. When there are negative people around us, we also tend to feel negative. We should learn to observe ourselves and our surroundings from a… more
When you are troubled, don't get caught up in the trouble. Instead, observe your trouble from a third-person perspective. Where exactly is the trouble? Is it in your head? If so, where in your head?… more
Young people need to raise their energy in order to achieve success. However, this energy does not refer to the physical strength gained after exercise, but rather to an infinite heart of… more
The power of "ZERO", the source of the endless fission and manifestation of all things, is "0". "0" represents the absence of binary opposites, and can encompass all existence. "0" represents no… more
The world's problems can largely be traced back to one root cause: the human desire for more. Whether it's individuals, groups, or even nations, everyone is always striving to acquire more and more… more
All our negative emotions come from the disharmony of information. Family, work, and emotional problems all come from incomplete information. Good information is like a complete circle, with no… more
Health implies 'no conflict' at the informational level. As long as there is duality confrontation occurring, people may experience health problems wherever there is information conflict. If the… more
If you understand meditation, when you meditate, try to observe your surroundings as a third party. Everything that we can perceive is just our eyes, skin, ears, nose, and brain’s perception of the… more
We enter the world with nothing and leave with nothing. Nothing material can be taken with us. Letting go of our attachments to possessions and desires is the first step towards true freedom. 
The notion of possessing someone or something is a misconception. You can never truly own a person or thing. You can only experience them. This is the essence of the virtual world, and it is also the… more
The concept of ZERO represents infinity. It transcends duality (opposites), has no boundaries, encompasses everything, and embodies the absence of conflict. Everything arises from ZERO, making it the… more
Energy is merely the manifestation of virtual information. To elevate our energy level, we must elevate the level of information in our minds. The energy level of someone who focuses on what happens… more
By the time you see the river, you are already beyond it. By the time you see the mountain, you are already beyond it. When you can see your own fluctuating emotions, you are already beyond them.… more