Maintain a clear mind

Maintain a clear and tranquil state of mind. Avoid getting bogged down in a sea of information, which is like trying to see clearly in murky water. Only when our minds are like clear water can we accurately perceive the information around us. 


The power of "ZERO", the source of the endless fission and manifestation of all things, is "0". "0" represents the absence of binary opposites, and can encompass all existence. "0" represents no… more
Young people should learn to constantly reset their thinking to ZERO to maintain the vitality of their thoughts. Zero means no limits, no burdens, and infinite possibilities.
We are accustomed to wanting more, to possessing more. When will we learn to want less, to not possess? When we learn to reduce our burdens, the less we possess, the more freedom we will have. 
Young people need to raise their energy in order to achieve success. However, this energy does not refer to the physical strength gained after exercise, but rather to an infinite heart of… more
The adversities, unpleasant people, and various troubles in our lives seem to appear one after another, coming from all directions. They are like waves on the surface of the sea, one after another,… more
Yesterday’s events are still vivid in your mind, as real as if they had just happened. But they have already vanished completely into nothingness. Don’t even think about yesterday; think about what… more
When you wish to increase your own energy, train yourself not to have jealousy, greed, or hatred. These are all thoughts that diminish our energy. When your innermost desire is solely to benefit… more
Career is just the manifestation of your willpower. Your heart is like the sun, and your career is like the light that shines from the sun. The stronger the sun, the stronger the light. If young… more
Energy is merely the manifestation of virtual information. To elevate our energy level, we must elevate the level of information in our minds. The energy level of someone who focuses on what happens… more
Everyone experiences some degree of depression, which can be completely alleviated and even eliminated through meditation and adjusting the information in the brain. The key is to understand that… more
Our hearts are free from greed, resentment, and delusion. They are not attached to anything. We let our hearts rest naturally in their original state, which is pure, bright, empty, and void of… more
Maintain a clear and tranquil state of mind. Avoid getting bogged down in a sea of information, which is like trying to see clearly in murky water. Only when our minds are like clear water can we… more
The Secret of Our World: This World is a Virtual World. 
In China, there is a saying, ‘One thought is heaven, another thought is hell.’ In our space, nothing is fixed. Anything can change in an instant. Zero is the essence of everything that never changes… more
In China, there is a saying, ‘One thought is heaven, another thought is hell.’ In our space, nothing is fixed. Anything can change in an instant. Zero is the essence of everything that never changes… more
Emptiness means "ZERO" which is very simple yet difficult to experience because it indicates a different logic in how our system works and how one should "think." It offers a completely different… more
The capacity of your inner self determines the scale of your future career. Training your own tolerance is the first step towards success. 
When you are troubled, don't get caught up in the trouble. Instead, observe your trouble from a third-person perspective. Where exactly is the trouble? Is it in your head? If so, where in your head?… more
Our environment is full of conflict and confrontation, which is a manifestation of low energy. Peace is the most powerful force.
Success in career and a happy family both require the support of a relatively complete energy. First, we need to understand what the most complete energy is. Zero is the representation of completeness