
In emptiness, there's no difference between "me" and "others." It's just the manifestation of one entity. "Me" is part of "others," and "others" are part of "me." So, doing good to "others" is kind of doing it for yourself, and bad things are the same. That's why the saying goes, "The more you give, the more you get." The same applies to hurting others; the more you do it, the more it comes back to you.

We live in a fully intelligent virtual world, where everything is intelligently interconnected. When you tattoo a flower on your body, information about the flower merges with you. Similarly, when… more
By the time you see the river, you are already beyond it. By the time you see the mountain, you are already beyond it. When you can see your own fluctuating emotions, you are already beyond them.… more
Maintain a clear and tranquil state of mind. Avoid getting bogged down in a sea of information, which is like trying to see clearly in murky water. Only when our minds are like clear water can we… more
If you understand meditation, when you meditate, try to observe your surroundings as a third party. Everything that we can perceive is just our eyes, skin, ears, nose, and brain’s perception of the… more
"Clean" means the absence of negative information — completely pure or positive, free from dirt, foreign elements, confrontation, and harm. It implies being unobstructed and completely clear in 360… more
When we want to succeed, first we cannot have too many obstacles, otherwise it will be difficult to make any progress. Obstacles come from conflicting information from all sides, and this information… more
The world's problems can largely be traced back to one root cause: the human desire for more. Whether it's individuals, groups, or even nations, everyone is always striving to acquire more and more… more
Every negative thought can become an obstacle in our lives and work. Even though it is just a thought, it will be stored in our minds in the form of virtual information until one day it will manifest… more
Energy is merely the manifestation of virtual information. To elevate our energy level, we must elevate the level of information in our minds. The energy level of someone who focuses on what happens… more
When one day you come to the realization that you possess nothing, you will find true freedom.For all that we own are but chains that bind us.The more chains we accumulate, the more trapped we become.
Mindfulness is the foundation of everything, and it is the umbrella that protects us from all dualistic distinctions. Without mindfulness, we are prone to making wrong judgments at any time. One… more
Everyone experiences some degree of depression, which can be completely alleviated and even eliminated through meditation and adjusting the information in the brain. The key is to understand that… more
The power of "ZERO", the source of the endless fission and manifestation of all things, is "0". "0" represents the absence of binary opposites, and can encompass all existence. "0" represents no… more
In emptiness, there's no difference between "me" and "others." It's just the manifestation of one entity. "Me" is part of "others," and "others" are part of "me." So, doing good to "others" is kind… more
Yesterday’s events are still vivid in your mind, as real as if they had just happened. But they have already vanished completely into nothingness. Don’t even think about yesterday; think about what… more
The seabed is motionless as the waves roll endlessly on the surface of the sea. The waves are like the endless manifestations of this world, but if your consciousness can be as steady as the seabed,… more
The adversities, unpleasant people, and various troubles in our lives seem to appear one after another, coming from all directions. They are like waves on the surface of the sea, one after another,… more
Cultivating the mind and meditation are the most effective ways to deal with the problem of the flow of the mind. When you control your mind, you control everything related to yourself.
Information is simply information. It's in the air, you can't see it, you can't touch it, but it will come to your mind as a thought. In the realm of the "information world," there is no space or… more
Everything is a combination of information: our lives, careers, health, relationships, and so on. Therefore, the key to everything lies in how we assemble the best information.